Healing and prayer room M-Sa 10-12 Pst

Saturday, April 16, 2011

What I believe about our relationship in Jesus Christ

When you accept Christ as your Savior and commit to follow Him and what He calls you to do, that is a relationship between you and the Father through His Son Jesus Christ.

We are living a life that honors Him.

Its like in a family.  We live a life that honors our parents and the values they've set for us.  If we want away from that, dishonoring them, a wise parent will not disown their children.  However, if the child doesn't repent and come back under the family guidelines, when it comes time to the will they may be disinherited. 

When my daughter was growing up, we worked on getting her to understand that there was a time limit to get something done.  When the time was up if there was no effort in doing what she was told, she suffer consequences.  However, if we saw that she was making a effort to get everything in order by the time it was to be done, we were lax in it and let her finish after the time limit was over.

When I say that God looks at the heart, He looking to see if you are working on breaking that which is holding you back from a complete relationship with Him.  His time is up when His tells Jesus to bring His children home.

I think there are strongholds that are so deep in a person that they can't break it overnight or at the time of a decision for Christ.  It may take a long time to break it.  However, if you just decided it can't be broken and continue living your life like you did before, you are lost,  You have to give it to God.  He knows your heart and when you give it to Him He will guide you to breaking that stronghold.  If you fall, you need to repent and get back on track.  He states that in 1 John 1:9.

"Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart". 1 Samuel 16:7b. We aren't to judge or condemn the person for being in the stronghold when it hasn't left.  We are to encourage them out of it.  We are to help them through it Galatians 6:1,  God doesn't condemn His children,  He convicts them to do the right thing.

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