Healing and prayer room M-Sa 10-12 Pst

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011!

So starts a new year. One of many possibilities. I had an awesome year last year in learning to trust in God in many areas of my life, and learning to let go of many areas, (still working on others). At times I felt as if I was hanging on a thread, had feelings of doubt that I wasn't hearing Him right on areas such as finances for home and for my trip, but He provided in areas and in ways we didn't expect.

I'm excited for what 2011 will bring.

I have some people who are keeping me accountable to my journey this year in studying the charismatic prayer movement as it pertains from the beginning of Christ Ascension to now. I wanted to study this last year but another bible study that I was doing I found was needed to prepare me for this one.

This morning I did my devos by starting over again in Genesis and reading my bible in the next year. I started last year and did it most of the way through up to Luke. I'm planning on being more consistant this time. I'm reading it with the topic of "Holiness" in mind and what God requires of His people to be One with Him.

Right off the bat, when I got to Genesis 1:11 I knew that my waviering on whether to do a Daniel fast or not was not a decision to take lightly. It continued on through Chapter 3 as Adam and Eve were now cast out of the Garden, that because of sin, Adam could no longer eat from the Tree of Life because that meant that he would have to live forever in his disobedience.

Not that its a requirement to holiness, but for me, I think being a vegetarian once again is something I'm to do. the choice to do so is more out of an obedient calling and I believe a personal one for health reasons. However, I did see that having a day of rest, is a requirement for holiness because our God who is holy took a day of rest for Himself.

A day of rest simply means, rest. It doesn't mean that we have to find a dogma of rules and regulations such as what the law was, and then added to it. It just means rest, relaxing in His presence.

I know that in order to do this I need to have some order in my life to keep me accountable. He saw that what He did in seven days was very good, and perfect, just the way He wanted. I know that I can be very passive aggressive to myself, and put things off that need to be done that day so I can continue on with the plan for the next day and not bunch it all together and wear me out and those around me. I've slacked off this year in a lot of areas that I know I shouldn't have, and technically I'm paying the piper for it.

So here's to 2011 (that's twenty-eleven)! May it be a prosperous year full of abundant blessings to all.

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