Healing and prayer room M-Sa 10-12 Pst

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Flower Essence

Part of my journey and if you go to abiggermess.blgspot.com you will see some of what I've been doing with plants and using Olive oil and coconut oil as carriers.

I ordered Menoblend from Freedom Flowers (www.Freedom-flowers.com) and have noticed a difference in the last few days.

I'm understanding that water is a carrier and we use it for coffees and teas. I dry herbs for various teas  for healing of migraines and for sleep.

What Freedom Flowers does is not just make her drops from the essences of the flower but shares how that flower was designed to heal when God created us.

Because of sin our bodies that were aligned to follow after the heart of God where invaded with toxins that are destroying our temples. Isn't t like God after the fall of Satan that when He restored the earth He would give us the means to heal ourselves as well?  He desires us and wants us to draw near to Him. He wants our temples to align to Hs purpose.

Check out Seneca's book "Flower Power." It will show you how much our God loves us and has designed nature to work for our good.

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