Ive been following Todd Bentley for the past two weeks on Periscope. He is on a journey of learning about the Generals of healing in the 1940's and 1950's, an era that I've felt a connection to for years. I love the interaction of people during the 40's due to WWII. Studying AA Allen, William Braham and others seems natural to me on this journey.
In connecting the past with the present of what I am learning about frequencies in music and in Hod's creation is opening a new avenue to healing.
We have to walk out our healings.
In the past two weeks I've been healed of two of my minors as I call them as they were the issues that required more then pills to comfort me. I had to change my diet as well.
How do I know I'm healed? Because I've eaten literally crap all week and none of the issues have developed! Granted I am not going to eat like this always but this week I had things that I needed to do to keep up with my house schedule. I will get back to eating my 80/20 Paleo this week.
My point in this is I have to walk this out, meaning I need to eat healthy but if I mess up its not going to put me out for three days. Being overweight and doesn't help my issue either.
I have been using the Menoblend from Freedom Flowers and have noticed a difference as well.
In the next few weeks I'll be purchasing one of Del Hungerford's cd to download in my music library.
This journey is going to be exciting to see where God leads me!!!!