I have a lot of prayer gardens in my yard and home. Its amazing after a while how these gardens do take on the personality of who I'm praying for.
For example, my inside my home are plants of people I know personally, and have named each plant by their name. Over the last few years they truly have taken on the personality of the person I've been praying for. Recently I was moving one that was getting filtered light and thought it was slow growing. When I picked it up to move it I found that in the darkness it had grown twice as much but I've seen this plant stand tall, not dropping. It gave me a new perspective in praying for this person.
Another time I had a Ivy that was growing rapidly and I was going to move it so it could spread out a little more in another location. Being on a bookshelf I hadn't noticed that one of the ivy stems had merged in a book and was rooting in the book!
Another time I had moved a plant as I felt the Lord tell me there was a story with it. I moved it outdoors and it started to die and so I moved it back in, and had placed a vine in with it that I connect other plants to as well. Within a year that person had moved to another climate and realized she needed to be home and have the connection of others to survive. God has showed me how this journey now created a new person in her and the vine is spreading inside the pot as well as beyond.
My outdoor prayer gardens are my African Prayer garden, The Church of Brookings Prayer garden and also my herb garden is from my Selah prayer group and other personal Bible studies I've belonged to.
I'll post pics of my gardens later. Its Fall and things are starting to turn for the next season which is a lesson in its own.